Friday, November 16, 2007

Holding Wisconsin Back

When asked what the biggest problem facing Wisconsin is, more people than ever before are saying it's government ethics and politics. That's according to the latest Wisconsin Survey conducted by St. Norbert College Survey Center for Wisconsin Public Radio.

In fact, on the list of the biggest concerns on the minds of state residents, government ethics ranks ahead of jobs and the economy, health care, education, gas prices, crime and drugs, the environment and immigration. Only tax and budget concerns worry a higher percentage of Wisconsinites than government ethics and politics. Amazing.

The percentage of people identifying government ethics as Wisconsin's biggest problem nearly doubled from the previous poll conducted this spring. St. Norbert's has been doing the Wisconsin Survey since 1994 and the ethics of our state's political leaders didn't register as a concern at all until the spring of 2002.


Anonymous said...

The problem related to Wisconsin is in the mind of all the persons, that is the reason the polling increased after the the survey in this spring & in this polling people comment on government ethics & politics.
Addiction Recovery Wisconsin

albertjames said...

Students who want to advance from eighth grade to high school may have to have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 1.5. The requirement will be added to the revised Spring Hill Middle School Student Handbook that comes before the Wisconsin Dells School District School Board on June 16 for approval.

Wisconsin Treatment Centers

Anonymous said...

Students who want to advance from eight grade to secondary grade they must have more knowledge.The most problem facing was unemployment .
Economy is the biggest problem facing industries and state.
Wisconsin Drug Treatment